Nursery / Daycare Children

When you child is being dropped off in the morning, it is best to say a quick good-bye. The Daycare children will settle in quickly after acquainting with school and staffs. Parents can check on the Daycare children through the safety cctv system which school will provide the username and password once register with us.

Daily Routine



8:00 - 8:30 Free play
8:30 - 9:00 National anthem, Yoga exercise, Circle time
9:00 - 9:30 Morning snack in the Canteen
10:00 Art / Music / PE / Water Play
11:00 Language and Literacy / Numeracy
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Nap time
13:30 Cooking / Fun Science / Play dough
14:15 After School Club Starts
16:00 Shower time
16:30 - 17:00 Dinner
17:30 After School & Daycare children Pick-up Time

What do we think the importance of early-Learning activities?

  • Art
  • Music
  • PE
  • Water Play
  • Cooking
  • Fun Science
    Our approach to science-based innovation emphasizes the rapid design and testing of new intervention strategies grounded in the science of early childhood. This science helps us understandand develop interventions that use scientific concepts to address challenges facing young children

    For us, innovation means taking risks, sharing results early, and learning quickly from ideas that don’t work. While most leaders in the early childhood field focus on the delivery of best practices today, others need to invest in the creation and expansion of more effective best practices for tomorrow. Little Genius Daycare/Nursery in Narathiwas/Rama 3/Sathon area can and need to do better — and an innovation approach can point the way.

    Innovation in ActionWhat does innovation look like in action? Learn more about featured projects that are part of Frontiers of Innovation.An innovation-friendly environment allows people to work together, test new ideas, and engage in active learning. There are a few key ingredients that can support innovation in the early childhood field. Ideas for taking action that are grounded in the latest science and informed by on-the-ground experience.

    People and organizations who are willing to work across sectors to test promising ideas, learn from failure, promote fast-cycle knowledge sharing, and lead broader impact.
  • Play dough

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Our daycare/nursery is an independent, privately owned child care center, founded since 2008 in Narathiwas/Rama 3/Sathon area.


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